Are you ready for the exams? Give yourself the best chance at passing your tests with these 10 study tips. Don’t let stress get to you, remember… you can do this!
Setting study goals from day one is important. Develop a realistic study timetable and ensure that you block out enough time for each subject that you have to write. Start preparing for your tests at least one week in advance. By sticking to your timetable, you will have enough time to prepare for each exam, instead of cramming information at the last minute.
Colour not only affects our feelings, but also our attention and behaviour when learning. Students recall colour and illustrations more easily than boring black and white text. You can use this to your advantage when preparing for the exams. Make study notes with colour pens. Draw images or mind maps that will help you remember your work. The colour green is said to improve efficiency and focus, and the colour blue is meant to make you more productive, so choose your colour pens wisely. Read The Psychology of Colour for more tips on using colour for learning.
Your exams are more important than your online presence. Log out of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram etc. and take a break. The fear of missing out on events or new friendships could have you end up failing your exams.
Use old exam papers to prepare for your next test. This will ensure that you focus on essential topics while practicing to answer exam-style questions. Past exam papers will give you a practical insight on what to expect in your next exam.
The key to effective studying is finding a good location. Study in a quiet area in your house. If this is impossible, try to locate a library close to your home. The more focused you are on the work in front of you, the better prepared you will be for your exams.
Compare study notes with your friends. You will gain a new perspective and insight on the work you are learning. It will also help you pick up if you missed something important.
Get to bed early the night before your exam. Your brain needs to rest before you write your exam.
On the day of the exam, make sure you arrive at the exam location at least 20 minutes early. It will give you time to prepare yourself mentally. Coming late will only leave you flustered, and you might end up forgetting some of the work you learned.
Ensure you have everything you need to write the exam. Carry extra pens and pencils on you and remember a ruler. If you need a calculator, ensure the batteries work.
After writing your exam, take a break. Go home and do something fun or visit the mall. You need to take breaks in-between your studies and tests. Free up some stress and clear your mind before you start studying for your next exam.
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